As the kids jumped back into school (barely a day and a half after we landed in ATL), I kept pushing forward, trying to get our lives back in order. We had a wonderful and fun summer and it really went to fast, but I am grateful to be back in a routine. Beverly has already started dance. She’s taking three classes this year (ballet, tap/jazz, and hip hop). After catching up on laundry, the yard, house work, and back to school stuff, we partied all weekend to celebrate my birthday. It was so much fun, though admittedly I felt embarrassingly spoiled. We started the celebrations in the morning on Friday. I went and got a pedicure by myself that my little sister paid for. I got to read a book I had just picked up from the library. Then I met my friends for lunch. We had so much fun chatting and catching up. In the evening, Andy and I went to our favorite special occasion restaurant– Cork and Flame. I got the trout and Andy got Shrimp and Grits. We were full and satisfied when we left. We headed to a movie after that: BorderLands. It is based off of a video game Andy and I played about ten years ago. I don’t remember the premise of the game or the characters very well, but I enjoyed the movie. My brother commented that he expected Kevin Hart to be funnier. I don’t think his character was meant to be funny, because our waiter at the restaurant was a big fan of the video game and mentioned that he thought Kevin Hart was a weird choice for that character, but it should’ve been someone like Samuel Jackson or Morgan Freeman… so my guess is Kevin Hart was trying for serious, but it was a serious enough movie for him to try and change his acting persona. Saturday we got some chores done, relaxed a little, and then Andy threw me a birthday party. It was so fun. He went over the top with the decorations, he was so proud of himself. The kids ADORED the “birthday party portal” he made. Then for my actual birthday he made me an omelette for breakfast, an asiago bagel sandwich for lunch, and grilled salmon, Brussel sprouts, and quinoa for dinner. He bought me two cakes (one for the party and one for the kids) we had extra of both so I sent a bunch home with our guests… I don’t need to gain ten pounds from this weekend. Andy really went above and beyond and made my birthday feel extra special. I’m so grateful I’ve gotten to spend the last fourteen-ish years with him. My friend asked me at lunch what the best thing was from the last year. Obviously, going to Hawaii was pretty epic. But I have to say that one of the things I’ve enjoyed this past year is that after over 10 years of carrying, nursing, and caring for babies, I am beginning to have more independent kids and it has allowed me to get back to things I did before having kids: painting, writing, etc. At times, I thought this part of me was gone, so it is really nice to see her again. These things really bring me a lot of joy. I really hope that the novel I’m writing can make it to peoples’ bookshelves, but I am enjoying the process of getting it out there too. As far as for what 39 brings me… I have some physical goals. One of them came from my Yoga instructor this past week. After class, she came up to me and said I looked like I was ready to do a handstand. I told her I’d never done one in my entire life. And she insisted, saying “I did my first when I was 32! You’re younger than that!” Well, she certainly made my day. I wish I was younger than 32, but at least I can cause people to wonder if I am. So I think I’ll try for a handstand, a pull up, and maybe get back into a ten minute mile (I know that’s not fast, but it is MY fast). But as far as other goals go, I want to be present when my kids are, finish my novel, and get a painting done a week. Well, I better get going if I can use my atomic habits to work towards those goals! This is my last year in my 30’s, so I better make the most of it!