Harvey went back to school on Monday. He was a lot more excited than I thought he’d be. So far he doesn’t give me a hard time about going and he is very happy (but also very tired) when I pick him up. Despite being tired, he still refuses to nap so we just hang out in the afternoons. Our mornings have begun a lot earlier this year than last, but to be honest, I am pretty sure my kids got up this early last year… it is really just me that’s adjusting. Maverick seems to be able to sleep through the early morning chaos and I have had to wake him up most mornings around 7:30 to get ready for school. Meanwhile, the rest of us are up by 6. Max has to walk to the bus stop by 6:35. So we make a bit of a mad rush to get him fed, his lunch made along with the rest of his normal morning routine, but this past week we’ve added in a new ritual. I have been walking Daisy (and the two littlest) with Max to his bus stop. Daisy seems a lot happier with this addition. I would take her on a longer walk if the other two stayed behind, because by the time we get back I’ve had a lot of time before I have to get the next wave of kids off. I’ve moved my scripture study to these early morning times as well as one or two of my house chores. I already have the atomic habit of making my bed and starting a load of laundry when I wake up (which reminds me, I need to go change a load), but now I have a few more productive additions that make my days feel even more like they’re off to a good start, but often leaves me exhausted by early afternoon. I tried to write in those early minutes, but the kids needed too much attention and writing takes too much focus, so that I’m still finding the right time to fit in working on my novel. Now that Harvey is back in school, I find I have time after lunch, right before I have to go get him and sometimes I get a few minutes in the evening or after I pick him up from preschool. It just depends on how much attention he needs.
Speaking of attention, I followed through on my goal to give Beverly one on one time (another thing I need to repeat today). It really did make a world of difference. She had a melt down Monday after school, but we quickly learned she didn’t eat any of the wholesome stuff we packed her but did manage to get a cupcake from a classmate for their birthday and she chose Monday to get her one-day-a-week-treat from the a-la-cart at school. We talked about making better choices and she did the rest of the week. She even refrained from eating her homemade cookie until her sandwich, fruit, and veggies were eaten. She must be a slow eater or they don’t give her enough time because a lot days she still comes home with half her lunch and then she sits down and devours it.