Clinical Exams Over

Andy finally finished his last board exam for certification towards being a bonafide doctor. That’s enough Christmas joy for me. Seriously. For him too I am sure. The rest of this school year will be busy-ish, but stress free for the most part. I am looking forward to it. The kids and I have been busy preparing for Christmas. In fact, it got so cold tonight that one of Santa’s elves slipped new fun pajamas on the boys’ beds. They were very excited about their pajamas, which made me quite happy. Christmas is the best with kids. While trying to stay out of Andy’s hair, so he could study for his last test, the boys and I delivered goodies to friends and drove through our neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights. They enjoyed it for the first hour, but by the second hour, they were tuckered out. Other than that, our week was pretty uneventful. Just some doctor/dentist visits for the kids (which was the easiest dentist visit I’ve ever done– two kids in and out in thirty minutes with full cooperation). i was supposed to give a talk today, but a high councilman showed up, so, being the councilor-who-assigned-the-talk’s wife, I got bumped to next week? or maybe just a back up speaker if someone doesn’t show up. Either way, I’m prepared. I was able to prepare my talk at 5:30 AM Saturday morning after Andy took off to take his last test. We had gone to bed early so he’d be well rested for his test and so when he came in to say morning prayers with me (which, honestly, I usually sleep through) it woke me up and I knew he’d be gone all day and the only chance I’d have to finish up my talk would be right then. So I did it. It was actually quite satisfying to be up that early… with not a single kid awake… or touching me. Not saying I’ll wake up at 5:30 every Saturday morning, but I enjoyed it. This year, Andy went big with our decor– it’s our last year hear so he wanted to leave our mark, I guess. He did a great job.

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