Saturday evening through Monday morning were literally a whirl wind of non-stop madness. I got home from Time Out for Women– which I promise I will blog about later- and got to work preparing the house for the stagers that were coming Monday. I was able to go to church Sunday morning, which probably helped me from completely losing it. Unfortunately I got a migraine from fasting so it slowed me down at first, but after some food I was able to get to work. I feverishly cleaned, organized, etc. and by the end of the night I was exhausted and I truly thought to myself, “The house is immaculate, the stager is going to come tomorrow and shift some decor around and then be done.” Well little did I know she wanted the house to look like no one lived in it. I had to remind her– but we do, and we will for two more months and I have three YOUNG children. It didn’t stop her, pretty soon our garage was filled with all of our life (especially our childrens’ lives). It was Saturday evening, all day Sunday, and two hours Monday morning and it was good to go. The photographers came and an hour and a half later left with the key on the door and a sign in our yard. I did a virtual tour on FB of our house, which actually sparked some interest. I’m not sure if one of the two viewers today was one of the people who had expressed interest via FB, but I’m sure my publicity couldn’t hurt. When I picked up my two youngest from the Burke’s (thanks again Marni!), Mav walked in the house and said, “OH wow!” and pointed out how he liked the boots all aligned.” Then he walked into the living room where I usually keep their toys and was instantly worried, “Where are my toys??” “They’re in the garage, don’t worry they’re not gone.” “Where’s my green ball?” I had no idea what he was talking about but the box with the balls was in the garage so I said, “I don’t know, probably in the garage with the rest of them.” “No you lost it!” “It’s not lost, bud, just put away.” “No… you lost it,” he said again, this time with a sad resolve. While we were packing up and moving stuff to the garage on Sunday, Mav kept saying, “OK! Let’s go to Georgia!” We tried to explain that we weren’t going for two more months, but that didn’t make sense to him since we had already packed up his legos. Notice the leaves on our pathway– I blew them off seconds before the stager came and then while she was there our neighbor’s lawn guy came and blew all their leaves onto our lawn :(The stager also asked me to move the elliptical… uhhh do I look like muscle woman to you??Today the house went “live” and we have had two showing already! It was perfect timing too though- because I had already arranged to take Bev and Mav to the Burkes while I took Max to his school. And by the time we got back from all of that the people had come and gone. I was going to clean the carpets today, but I’m glad I didn’t because the viewers tracked in mud through the carpet. I guess I’ll just spot clean. Andy’s Paternal GrandparentsDarron and Julie saw us briefly Tuesday night on their way to Idaho for Darron’s Dad’s funeral. It is always hard to say goodbye no matter the circumstance, but I think Boyd was ready for some relief from his physical body.  Andy is with his parents for the funeral so he can help give Boyd a military funeral. Well, I’m pretty exhausted. I hope this house sells quick! I’ll try and post more about TOFW tomorrow. I have so much to share!

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