Andy starts work

Andy has been pretty busy with orientation stuff at work, but today was his official first work day. He told me some crazy stories, but I think he enjoyed finally getting to do what he loves. For the Fourth of July we went to a work party that he was invited to. I love how family friendly this program is. As family friendly as it is, however, we left the party around 7 because we didn’t need to have our kids around all the drinking, and to be honest, we were quite tired and ready to put the kids to bed so we could go to bed too. I’m still enjoying the gym and though the weight isn’t falling off as quickly as I’d like it to, I feel healthier and stronger and the moments of working out and showering alone keep me sane. I don’t know what else to say about this week, except the fact that I don’t have much to say is probably a good thing. I missed my family a lot this week. I wish I could’ve been there to help Crista out with her new baby, and hang out with Caitlyn as she recovers, celebrate with Grandpa for his 90th birthday party, and taste Nick and Sara’s homegrown berries. I even looked at plane tickets, but it was a bit outrageous and I knew that Jennie would most likely get married soon so I needed to save our miles. Luckily I did, because on the fourth of July she and Jordan got engaged. I’m super happy for them and as Crista put it, grateful for the excuse to come see my family. I am going to take Max out of school for it, so fingers crossed they’re not as anal as Texas was. Our bishop’s councilor announced a “boundary changing meeting” for next Sunday evening. So even though I attended the Sunday school class I was called to teach, I will probably not get to teach them before we’re all in different wards. Still, I’m grateful they called me because like a few people have said to me, “it’s when I got a calling that I began to feel a part of the ward.” Have a good week!

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