The kids and me went out bug catching today. We were on a mission to find bugs for our garden, in particular, lady bugs. The kids took the PowerWheels ATV down to the creek and we walked to find bugs. We found a “yellow-orange” lady bug and put it in the bug cage and brought it home. The kids had fun hiking down there.

When we made it back, we watched the bug for a while before releasing him in our garden. They named the bug “Climby” because he loved to climb on the bug cage. When they released him he took off flying and me and Elise spent the next 15 minutes explaining that he was exploring and we would probably see him again. Max said, I’d rather him be in the cage. I told him, if he stays in the cage he will eventually die. Letting him go lets him explore and live. Climby will probably come back and we will hopefully see him again every once and a while.

The boys and Bevy found a couple fun places to take pictures. We hiked along the river bed for a good 15 or 20 minutes. They had so much fun. I had fun watching them. They asked a lot of questions about the trees, creek and plants. Mav carried a compass the whole time to “guide” us. He eventually got lost and said, “Daddy, we need help now.”

Andy sends.
Fun! I miss the Georgia woods!
Yeah, we had a lot of fun. It was good to see the kids out there playing.
You have a beautiful family. It is so good to get out and explore.