Another simple week of a fulfilled life

I have to think back to my week, because it feels like Janustember 1032th. Andy started Trauma this past week. He hasn’t had a break since he started so take this schedule with a grain of salt: 6 days a week, 13 hr night shifts. Yup. He got a couple of hours of sleep the first couple of nights, but its still very hard to feel rested when your sleep is so broken up. He didn’t get any rest on the weekend nights so he was pretty tired today. He woke up for a brief sacrament and went back to bed. He was so zonked not even screaming kids or a crying baby outside our door at 4 PM woke him up. I felt so bad that he was so wiped out.

The kids have kept me pretty busy as well. Harvey had his 4 month checkup on Monday which included three vaccines. This led to a night of a low grade fever and a rough couple of days. A necessary evil. He perked back up by the weekend and was mostly himself again. His sleep schedule has been off as well as some gas issues, but we’ve discovered if we push his knees to his belly it’s, as Andy put it, a fart shotgun. Max thinks it’s hilarious.

We were able to meet some friends at a colonial park on Friday. And attempted to go to the library Thursday (hours had changed… again… thanks to COVID), and also had some time at a splash pad on Saturday. It is good to get out. It’s been fairly pleasant in GA considering it’s August. Low 90’s and sometimes even mid 70’s had made it pretty nice to spend time out doors, though it has been raining quite a bit.

Harvey is 4 Months! Moving, scooting, rolling, tooting. You name it. He’s generally pretty happy, his smile and laugh are super contagious (he can get me to smile even on my crankiest days), he’s pretty tough when Bev is messing around with him. And he doesn’t like to leave my side for too long.
Not a very appetizing photo, but it was hard to get any picture of him eating baby food for the first time so it’s the best I got. Despite the look on his face, he loved it.
We all thought this mushroom was pretty cool on our “Early Colonial mini replica village” walk.
This is an Orb Spider called A yellow garden spider. It is about the size of Maverick’s fist to give you reference. Apparently if it bites you (which it won’t unless you’re in its space) it feels like a bee sting.
Love these kiddos.
Max’s second football practice of the season. He’s definitely the smallest on his team and mostly likes to spin in circles while staring at the sky, but what can I say, he’s my kid.
Maybe we do look like each other after all.

I have been spending a good amount of my free time (which isn’t much) focusing on meditation, journaling and affirmations. It truly has helped me, but I feel like I have a long way to go. But I recommend it to everyone. My good friend, Holly recommended Belleruth Naparstek (you can access her work on Apple Music). I rested Sunday afternoon while listening to some affirmations and felt so incredibly relaxed, which is very hard for me to do lately.

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