Silver linings with all of these health issues— I’ve lost almost 10 lbs since the start of it all. The colonoscopy prep shaved off another pound, but I don’t count it unless I don’t put it back on. The colonoscopy was both easier than I anticipated and worse. Better because the prep drug- golytely was much more tolerable than the prep they gave me the first time I had a colonoscopy. The procedure was worse, however, because I still remember everything. It was not only extremely uncomfortable as you can imagine, but very painful. The doctor said, “I put on your charts for a full sedation and a pediatric scope next time…” Well that would’ve been nice THIS time, but thanks… I slept for about three hours after getting home and felt like new, better than new afterwards since my tummy was not bloated and I wasn’t hungry or running to the bathroom every five seconds. I remember before they shoved the tube down my throat that I wished I had a picture for this blog. So I guess I wasn’t thinking quite clearly on that respect, too bad the drugs didn’t have more effect than impaired thinking.
They found I tested positive for H Pylori. They’re going to double check the biopsy and then get me meds if necessary. I did have one polyp in my colon, but it didn’t look too disconcerting, but again, we have to wait for the biopsy to know anything.
I also had a COVID swab on Friday morning. I was negative, thank goodness. Then on Wednesday I had a echocardiogram. They found out I have slight regurgitations and a PFO ( a small murmur). It’s not a big deal, but it could be the cause of my migraines and dizzy spells. Luckily I can still exercise without any problem so there isn’t anything to worry about. She is going to send me a heart monitor for a two week test, but I’m not too worried about it.

While I was getting scoped, some of the people I love celebrated their birthdays— Beverly Hansen (Andy’s Grandma, Darron Jackson (my loving father in law), and my next door neighbor— Lindsay Durrant. I wish I could’ve celebrated with all of them! But it looks like Beverly had a blast on her 90th birthday.