I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. For more on the things I am grateful for, check my FB page. But just know that I am most grateful for my Savior, my family, and my friends.
We were able to do Thanksgiving a day early with Andy, since he had to work a twelve (it’s really a 12 1/2 hr shift— he just only sees patients for 12 of those hours and spends the last half hour signing off his patients to the next doctor). Max was a little confused because the next morning I told him we were going to the Durrant’s home for Thanksgiving dinner and he said, “But Thanksgiving was yesterday.” None-the-less, we had a great time with the Durrants and stuffed ourselves as is the norm for Thanksgiving. It was a crazy week for Andy and I, since he worked every day except Wednesday and two of the 6 days were twelve hour shifts. I am ready for him to be an attending.. only 1 1/2 more years. Lol. Luckily he gets Christmas eve and day off! We are excited to spend that with him and I know he had to work the long hours over Thanksgiving so his coworkers who have to work Christmas could have Thanksgiving off. I am appreciative of them and all they do to insure there are health cares ready for any crazy accidents during the holidays. It is a full moon on Monday, so there were many crazy incidents at work. At home too. Saturday morning we started the day off with Bev throwing a duplo lego at Mav’s eye, giving him a black eye, then later in the day while completing chores, Mav reciprocated with a whack to Bev’s head with the vacuum. So they both ended the day with little bruises on their heads. Though I left the day unscathed, my spirits felt a bit bruised. Andy came home at 7 and took over for a bit so I could unwind. I do love my kids, but sometimes I feel I run out of juice at the end of the day for patience.