Aside from celebrating my love for my husband and children, I want to do some spotlights! We had a very successful week! Maverick came home from preschool on Tuesday with his fourth “King Bee” of the year. It is awarded when a student does all they’re supposed to do with perfect behavior in addition to being caught being good. Maverick is a sweet heart so this came as no surprise. Max came home the next day receiving “Student of the Month” from Lewiston elementary. Every month Lewiston selects only one student from the entire school. I know Max works very hard. His teacher told me during a parent-teacher conference that he was an angel. “Is he this way at home too?” I said 99% of the time he is. And finally a big shout out to Andy! He received outstanding marks on his annual review from his residency program. They told him he is in the top 10% of all residents to ever have gone through the program. I’m super proud of him and know it is well deserved— he works so incredibly hard. But I also want to give him a shout out from home too. Despite his never-ending work hours he always makes time for us when he’s home. He makes every second count with me and the kids and that means the world to me. President David O. McKay stated, “No success in life can compensate for failure in the home.” I am so blessed and grateful that Andy knows this and makes every effort to be present for our daily Come Follow Me moments, family prayer, and weekly family Home Evening. When he isn’t home for them he always tries to FaceTime in so he can be present. When he misses church, he makes sure we have a church moment as a family when he gets home. I have to say, I’ve been grateful for home church, because it has made Andy’s crazy schedule a lot easier to handle on Sundays. Despite not receiving outward awards, Beverly and Harvey deserve their own as well. Harvey is becoming more and more mobile, his first two baby teeth have finally pushed through, and he has mastered climbing up the stairs… Now if we could just teach him how to go down them. Beverly deserves best big sister award. She keeps Harvey from harms way, toilet paper disasters, toilet bowl play sessions, and dog food snacks. She loves and dotes on Harvey. Her favorite past-time is wrestling with him (sometimes Harvey is into and sometimes he wishes she’d move on, but they love each other). Bev has become a bigger help to me and mostly has out-grown her toddler stage. She does NOT like to get in trouble and as tough as she is, even a firm, “No,” will cause her to break down. I’m so grateful for my family and the joy that motherhood has brought. It is definitely taxing and sometimes it pushes me to my absolute limits, but when they smile, laugh or say “I love you,” my heart melts and it makes the exhausting moments all worth it.

Awesome awards all around. You are all great!