Sports are in full swing

Max will have to get used to the weight of all the football gear

Andy had an entire week of swing shift so I had the pleasure of taking all the kids to all of the practices, gear pickup, etc. It wasn’t as bad as the last two years. Last season I had gall bladder issues and felt sick the majority of the time or was recovering from gall bladder removal surgery– plus I had a pretty small baby to tote around. The year before that I was newly pregnant and felt awful and Bev was Harvey’s current age– which meant I spent little time watching my boys play and a lot of time chasing her off the field. This year I spend most of my time chasing Harvey around, but at least I have the energy and health to do so.

He has ran onto the field quite a few times, but fingers crossed he’s getting the memo, because he spent the rest of practice pushing the stroller around.
Guilty. It’s hard enough to entertain one kid on the sidelines of Max’s football, let alone three. Plus with them entertained I occasionally actually get to watch Max play.
Max’s version of a pushup… we’ll have to work with him on that. He said the helmet got in the way.

Maverick chose to do t-ball this year. He is really loving… drawing in the dirt… he loves sports and loves baseball, but focusing isn’t really his passion. He’ll get it soon though.

I was a lot busier at Mav’s Tball because Harvey could climb the bleachers there. It is not a safe toy for toddlers, just FYI.
Harvey’s extreme sport has been climbing anything and everything. He also really loves to empty drawers and baskets.
Bev had some friends over Friday morning. We painted nails, had a tea party, dance party, crafts, and lots of play time. It was a good diversion for her and her friends. She will probably start gymnastics or dance in the spring.
Bev must really value her eyes, because she drew plenty of them. Kid art is the best art.
Maverick had community helpers day last week. Her teacher asked for pictures of parents that were community helpers. Andy filled that category twice– military and medicine. Maverick looks so proud. The funny part was he came home with his worksheet on community helpers and had drawn a picture of a man. I said who is that? “The pizza guy!” I said, “How is he a community helper?” Maverick replied, “He brings us food!” I want to clarify that we never get delivery and more often than not I make homemade pizza on pizza night. But the kid loves pizza so I can’t really fault him for being grateful that there’s a pizza guy out there.

My kids make me laugh on a daily basis and I’m trying to be better about writing down their funny moments. This week this one takes the cake:

Bev: Hey Maverick, when I’m a mom, will you marry me?
Mav: Sure Bev.
Me: *laughing* you can’t marry each other.
Mav: You’re joking, right?
Me (still laughing): No I’m not joking
after a couple of times of him trying to see if I was really joking, but realizing I was serious despite the laughs, he replies, “Oh, is it because we’re already family?”
Me: Exactly (still laughing).

I’m glad they love each other so much, and that they have such a beautiful idea of what it means to marry someone– someone you are friends with!

I’m going to include my FB post from today to share something that has been on my mind lately and end with this.

I came across the song “I wish you pain” by Andy Grammer. The first time I heard it I thought “how harsh to wish someone pain!” But as I realized this song seemed to be directed towards his child, tears filled my eyes. I instantly thought about my Heavenly Father. I haven’t been through as much as some people but I have felt the refiners fire a lot in my life. My most recent taste with it taught me a valuable lesson. So much beauty has come from these moments. This morning as I was reading my scriptures and this week’s lesson from, it mentioned the refiners fire. I know a lot of us are going through some variation of a refiner’s fire. I hope that you don’t give up hope and can cleave to the idea of what will come on the other end of your trial. Look up the song and listen to it. It’s so beautiful. And here’s a video to go along with it.…/2014-11-0010-the…

One Comment

  1. That Mav is crazy. Thank you for taking them to their practices.

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