Under the weather in better weather

Y’all, I LOVE fall. I love the colors, the smells, the holidays, and mostly the crisp cool air. It wasn’t like that all week, but we had a few days and it got me in the mood. Apple spice pumpkin candle wax is melting in my kitchen, my porch is lit up in Halloween frill, and I’ve got Bev wearing Halloween tutus to school. I don’t usually start my Halloween celebrating until October 1st, but something pushed me to do it earlier this year.

Most of my days this week were spent recovering from this dumb lingering cold or chasing around this hooligan who also has been under the weather (on top of getting new mollars).

Work continues to be stressful for Andy. He occasionally gets to work at Fort Gordon where the pace is a little slower and there are less severe cases. He always comes home a lot happier on those shifts. We are really hoping to be able to stay here. He sent me this picture from work of him intubating one of his patients.

Andy is one of the fastest doctors at doing intubations at AU. He has to get pretty clever and creative for some of the more challenging patients.
I ordered Andy this onyx bracelet with our family’s names on it so he can see it as a reminder of why he’s working so hard. I am looking forward to residency graduation and an end to the crisis era of COVID.

Aside from that I’ve been having fun with the kids and keeping up on housework, sports, and life as a mother. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Our world is quick to demean or discount the work of a mother. Women are angry that their husbands get to pursue their careers while they’re expected to stay home or put their career second and their children first. I want to state, I have no problem with women working, but I do have a problem with this mentality. Being a mother is grueling work. But my mom wrote recently about the greatest accomplishment of hers has been raising wonderful children. It is one of the longest investments in a brighter future. I don’t think of any other accomplishment I could personally achieve that would bring me greater fulfillment and leave a better legacy. Andy doesn’t work to follow his dreams, though he has followed his dreams while fulfilling his role in our ultimate dream of supporting this family. He works for us. He works to come home and spend time with his eternal family. These kids will grow up so stinking fast and at times it is exhausting and I’ll admit there are moments I just want a break for a day, but again, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love these children and my husband and putting my career aside for them has been the best decision I’ve made next to marrying Andy.

One Comment

  1. So adorable. I’m ready for Fall as well. And I love the traveling escape box.

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