It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

This week we were able to take part in salvation Army’s stocking stuffing. We had each kid stuff a stocking with essentials and a little fun. My kids were a little confused to why a kid would want toothpaste in a stocking, I think it was eye opening that they realized we have so much compared to much of the world.

I helped prepare for our Ward’s Christmas party this Friday. I made the invitation, bought four hams, prepared two of them, and helped set up. Here is the nativity room:

Here are my collection of nativities. I didn’t have to bring any of mine to the ward party because so many shared there’s (and I was a little worried about losing some of the wood pieces to my Chinese nativity). In the captions of each pic is the story behind the nativity.

We ended the week with Harvey catching yet another bug! Poor guy. This one really kicked his butt. He spent most of Friday night asleep on my chest with sporadic spasms and bursts of crying and screaming. He had quite the fever, but it seemed to pass and he slept much better last night and was like himself again by the end of today. I am so ready for this fall full of sickness to be over!

Ok… ok… last but not least, gotta include these two cute little bugs. Beverly is so lucky! (ok I am too) we both have our best friends living right next door! These two usually get play time every day and *usually don’t tire of each other.

One Comment

  1. Sara A Rasband

    This is awesome Elise! I love all your nativities. I might like the Star Wars one the most 😆

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