Fun with the Jacksons Week 1

The day after Andy’s final shift, Andy’s family arrived. The next morning we left for Myrtle Beach for seven days of fun! Beach, shopping, pool, card games, and lots of laughs. It’s a semi-annual tradition that we look forward to! I was so happy Andy could join us this time. It was also the easiest and most enjoyable one for me because my kids were all a little older, I wasn’t pregnant, and I didn’t have a baby to watch… just a rambunctious toddler. It’ll get easier every time we go.

Aside from the beach and pool fun, we also got to go to an aquarium- Ripley’s Believe it or not aquarium. Last time we went there we didn’t have any kids! It was fun to see how excited our kids were to see all of the sea-creatures.

And another semi-annual tradition is shopping! Well, the girls shop, the boys play golf, all around good fun. Bev got so excited to spend some money and insisted upon carrying her “haul” on our shopping trip.

Our last night we continued our other tradition at the Family fun amusement park. It was the first year that Bev could do ride alone rides (aside from the very little kiddie rides). Harvey had fun too! But was NOT a fan of the dune buggy ride (that went in a circle and bounced up and down).

This next week we’ll get to hang out at the Jackson Homestead and ranch. Which means time with the horses, chickens, and a whole lot of swimming. By the end of the week we’ll be in Utah. We’re just soaking in all the family time we can.

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