While I’m a big supporter of intuitive eating, I realized I really need to get my eating under control. One of the pillars of intuitive eating is mindful eating. I am not there. It encourages eating without distraction, focusing on your food and paying attention to how it makes you feel, when you are full, and savoring the bites you eat. I’ve decided for me, the best way to gain this skill is to keep a journal of what I eat. I have started Noom. And while I know that intuitive eater dietitians will roll over in their hypothetical graves, I have to do it for my self. I need to feel better about my body, but not because of its size, but because I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I never really lost all of the body weight after each kid, despite exercising consistently. So I know that I’m falling short in what I eat. I actually pick fairly nutritious foods, most of the time, but I am not great at stopping when I’m full or not eating when I’m not hungry, but instead when I’m angry, frustrated, tired, or even bored. So wish me luck! my initial goal is 18 lbs. I am already down 1+ and I started two days ago, but I already am becoming more mindful of the way my stomach feels and I’m actually enjoying my meals more instead of just eating out of habit. I started a new gym class: body combat. I loved it and it kicked my trash, so it’s one that is going to continue in my repertoire. My favorite pilates instructor moved away, so I’ve decreased pilates to once a week and replaced it with Yoga at the end of the week when I feel stiff and sore from some of my more intense exercises: Body Pump, running, HIIT, and body combat. I actually really enjoy exercise. I feel great when I’m done, it’s rebuilt some muscle strength that had atrophied from being so sick during pregnancies (and tough recoveries). It’s alleviated back and hip pain and I feel stronger! I can tell I’m gaining more muscle and can move more freely and energetically. I’m excited to add in the nutrition aspect to my health to feel even more energetic and healthy.
Aside from this annual goal that I’ve been focusing on, we had a busy, full week. Monday, Andy decided it was time to put in our French drain. We’ve had a heck of a lot of rain recently and I think he was tired of seeing the pool form in our backyard and side yard. He worked most of Monday and Tuesday on it and got it done right before another big rainstorm on Wednesday. I’m very grateful for Andy and how able and willing he is to help out with stuff around the home. He is a very hard worker and always puts the needs of his family first. It has been so nice having him have a better work/life balance. Our family has really enjoyed spending more time with him and when he does have to work, the kids are quite devastated. I remind them that he can’t take the entire week off, or we won’t have money for food. It just shows the great love they have for their dad.
I bought Ruby Vance’s cook book for Max. He loves cooking, so I thought it would be a fun thing for him to try out. When we received the cookbook, he decided that he too needed to make a cookbook. I said, you should pick recipes that kids can learn. He’s very excited about making this book. Here he is making his siblings omelets.