We are lucky to have a really pretty setting in our back yard. We hope it continues to stay undeveloped so we can enjoy the luscious greenery.
This past week went by quick, so quick, in fact, that I ran out of time on Sunday (and Monday) to write my blog. I was in charge of “Great to be baptized” for our primary. Those who are eligible to be baptized this year were invited. It was cute to see the excitement and curiosity in the kids that attended. I talked briefly and showed them the font, hoping to erase any fears of the unknown for them. I told them that the gospel is quite simple and I like to compare it to riding a bike uphill. If we stop repeating the basics of pedaling in the gospel (or applying faith, repentance, renewing our baptismal covenants, and following the Holy Ghost) then we sometimes fall off the bike or go backwards. Sometimes it hurts bad and sometimes it only hurts a little, but all we need to do to stay on the path is to get back on the bike and try again, because that’s the whole point of the gospel.
Last week went by fast. I got to prepare for that, go on a valentine’s date with Andy, and get ready for my in-laws quick trip and then BAM the week was gone! We did have fun though! Here’s a quick look at our week:
We got some fun visitors over the weekend! Andy’s sister and niece were headed to Atlanta with Grandma for some photo shoots and Cheer stuff. They stayed the nights at our house, spent Friday in ATL doing all that fun stuff and then got to spend Saturday with us! We visited our favorite Augusta treasure: the Savannah Locks. It’s a gorgeous walk with a lot of memories for us. I am so mad I didn’t take more pictures with Jacque, Belle, and Grandma, but I was pretty busy trying to keep Harvey from sliding off into the river. Unfortunately that kid has no self-preservation. Either way, it was a lot of fun to talk with and walk with Andy’s family.
Grandma, Jacque, and Belle got to go watch Bev’s Show-And-Tell week. It’s so fun watching Bev dance. She’s got quite the graceful little figure.
Harvey was sure he could ride this thing, he was greatly disappointed when I told him no. The Farm is his favorite place on earth.
they had these adorable mini houses, Harvey thought they were cute too!
All tuckered out. I am pretty sure Andy felt just as tired as Harvey’s face looked.
We started calling Max LT, Because he acted as a Lieutenant in the army– someone who acts in charge, but the real boss is the srg. Major.
We trekked it up to the Botanical gardens– a .3 mile uphill walk. Andy hauled Harvey the whole way (plus some before and after), so his back was pretty sore by the end. I guess we’ll remember the stroller next time. Andy took this as an opportunity to teach the boys some military tactics. He was cracking me up. “At this point you’d hide your rucksacks in the foliage before we’d continue to the top of the hill.” Mav’s reply was, “Huh?” like what on earth are you talking about dad? He shrugged his shoulders and then played along.
I was too busy enjoying my kids to take many pictures of the flowers, but these ones were some of my favorites. The gardens exploded with floral scents and despite it being pretty early in the growing season, there were blooms everywhere.
And some other shenanigans from the week:
Beverly’s hair is getting long enough for pig tails… you can’t see them because they curl right up, but she had to have pictures with her and her friend’s “Matching hair”
Maverick got this Lego set with some birthday money. He usually needs some help with building his lego sets, but he did this one all on his own.
Harvey is stinking cute. That’s all this picture is about.
Harvey in his preschool class passing out his valentines. He was quite proud of his goodies. He toted his valentine’s bag around for a few days (and added a few of his own dinosaurs to the bag).