This week was a pretty busy week! In addition to the normal craziness, we had two baseball games while Andy was working (though he made the last half after finishing his shift). I had some routine doctor appointments and there were a number of birthday parties our kids were supposed to attend, the primary sponsored ward activity and a party with our dear friends. So good things! But busier than normal.
I didn’t have the best attitude about this activity. I was literally in charge of helping with each ward activity over the last year because I was in Relief Society Presidency, Young Women’s presidency, and now the Primary Presidency. So…. maybe a little burnt out. Our primary president is awesome, but definitely takes things to a Disney level production when I usually think more along the lines of “simpler the better.”
She wanted to do more than just the Easter egg hunt to be bring the focus to the the real reason for Easter- our Savior’s resurrection. We tried to brainstorm during a few of our meetings and I brought up each time that we should do a walk through of the Savior’s life. We could line the walls with pictures of Christ from his birth to his death and resurrection. She ruminated on the idea, but it wasn’t as big as she wanted it. She came back with my idea, but better. We ended up planning stations for the stages of our Savior’s life. She took it even bigger with Easter eggs for each station with little objects symbolizing the miracles and sacrifices of Christ. She had a member of the ward act out a person from that time with Murals and scenes for each station. It was a lot of work to put together! But, I have to say, when I was walking through the stations I got teary-eyed at nearly every one. It was quite moving to imagine myself walking along the streets of Jerusalem and being a first-hand witness to the Savior’s miracles, to his death, his suffering, and his magnificent resurrection. I imagine I WAS present as an angel in Heaven, being one of those who sang with Gabriel when announcing the birth of Christ. But it also made me pause and reflect on the miracles I witness today. Though they aren’t physically by the Lord’s hand, they are through His power. Sometimes I think we don’t see the miracles as much as they did in the times of old because we can understand so much scientifically, but to me, it is still miraculous. The amount of data, information and inventions that have occurred since the mid 1800’s has been miraculously exponential. Even aside from the miracles that can be explained by science, there are still many that I have seen in my life that I do not understand how they happened aside from the fact that there is a higher power looking out for us. Though life is supposed to be hard and full of trials, the Lord is mindful of the pains and struggles we have and if we put him first in our life, he will make those trials work to our good. I know this truth because I have tried and tested it and again and again I have seen hard, sometimes horrible things bring great good in my life.