A week with grandparents

Monday: Enjoying the outdoors day.

I’m not sure who ended the week more exhausted. We packed in a lot! On Monday we had planned to go to the zoo, but Beverly wasn’t feeling well, so we packed up the stroller and enjoyed the beautiful day at the Savannah River. She was happy to just sit in the stroller and relax. Afterwards we ate lunch at the Mellow Mushroom before heading to the downtown bookstore: Book Tavern. It was recommended by some friends. I guess we do have a Barnes and Nobles in the mall, but this was a much cooler experience. It was an old building and had antique books as well as a decent selection of new ones. Grandma is a huge fan of reading, and grandpa will do anything to promote our kids’ education, so they wanted one of their gifts to be a book (an annual tradition). Maverick managed to convince Beverly and Harvey to get books that he thought would be cool to borrow once in a while, but Beverly definitely wanted the “Legend of Zelda” comic for herself. It is kind of cool, because you have to read it from right to left, starting at the back of the book because it is originally Japanese made. Harvey picked out two Star Wars books by Jeffrey Brown and Maverick picked two more of them. Max picked out two DogMan books– his favorite graphic novel series. Even Andy picked one out for me to get him for Christmas. I have been more into audible so I can still fold laundry, paint, or do what I need to do while enjoying novels. I have really been loving Brandon Sanderson’s books. I’m currently listening to the fifth book in the Mistborn series. If you want to try Brandon Sanderson out, I HIGHLY recommend Warbreaker. It is my favorite book of his, and he is quite the exceptional writer.

Tuesday: Rainy inside day.

Since it rained all day Tuesday, it was the perfect day to stay inside. Grandma treated Beverly to a mani/pedi. Beverly still wasn’t feeling great, but she thoroughly enjoyed the spa treatment. I have a feeling she’ll be asking for me to take her back. They even had pedicure chairs just her size.

After Spa day, we headed home, had some leftovers for lunch and went to the movies with Papa. He treated the kids to a movie, “Trolls: Band together.” It was a cute flick with fun music. My kids really wanted to go see it, and the alternative kid shows were Wish, a supposedly “woke” film from Disney, and PawPatrol. I think we all preferred Trolls to the other two. Even dad was laughing throughout the film and I think some of the 70 songs that they included were a nice nostalgic moment for him. I don’t think mom would’ve enjoyed the movie as much, she’s not as into “Pop” genre as my dad is.

Wednesday:Beverly’s birthday and Zoo day.

For more details of our zoo day, read the captions in the slideshow. We are all huge fans of zoos. We have a really nice zoo in Columbia, South Carolina that allows us to interact with the animals on a more personal level. We can feed Lorikeets, Giraffes, and pet the goats (and one chicken). They used to allow you to feed the Alpacas, sheep, and goats in the petting zoo area, but haven’t brought it back since COVID. They have a little train that is more like a tram, but we skipped that today. It wasn’t train enough to entice Papa. To be honest, it’s kind of a bumpy ride and uncomfortable in those tiny train cars, so I was fine skipping it. The kids will most likely make me do it next time. One of their favorite places is the new Reptile exhibit. They have a wide variety of lizards, snakes, turtles, fish, frogs, and more. We had a very full and fun day at the zoo and left a bit tired. We ended up hitting horrible traffic due to a truck catching fire on the road. It set us back an entire hour, so we were all a little haggard and hangry by the time we got home. We grabbed McDonalds for the kids (Beverly’s request) and Chinese for us.

Thursday: Thanksgiving Feast

We invited our friends, the Woods, and her parents over for Thanksgiving dinner. We would’ve invited all of our huge friend group, but we knew that would overwhelm my parents (and us). We had great food and great company. However, Logan threw up right after dinner. We’re not sure if he had a stomach bug or just from all the flem he was struggling with (and his mom shoving ibuprofen down his throat). They rushed him home and came back (grandpa stayed behind to listen for the sleeping toddler). We had a good time chatting, eating, and playing games. I was very happy that my mom and Steph’s mom got along so well. They were all really lovely. It was just a bummer that Bev and Logan weren’t feeling great (and that I forgot to take very many pictures).

Family Pictures

We got our family pictures back already. We sure do love this crazy bunch. I think Stephanie Secrist did a fabulous job, especially at capturing our kids’ personalities!

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