Yesterday we got to celebrate Maverick’s baptism. Both sets of grandparents came for the occasion. He had all of his neighborhood friends there to support and celebrate with us too. It was a wonderful experience. I teared up as he entered the waters. My little boy, growing up. He has been excited and ready for this day for a while, but it was the past few months where I saw him take it more seriously and ask more sincere, thought-provoking gospel questions. I have seen his faith grow in his prayers as he has prayed for and seen answers for specific things. I remember the time last summer when we were sure we’d miss our flight due to an accident on the freeway. He offered up the most sincere and heartfelt prayer and a minute after traffic started moving. The song “Did you think to pray” entered my mind. Why had it taken forty-five minutes for me to remember to ask someone to say a prayer? After the traffic started moving, Maverick said, “You’re welcome for the prayer!” So maybe humility will come later on, but his faith is so strong! I really felt the spirit this weekend. I feel a great amount of peace, but so much joy and love.
When we were singing “Battle Hymn of the Republic” in church today, I thought about how powerful it would’ve been had we been able to sing at the USS Arizona. No matter the worldly defeat we may feel, God will be the victor and if we are on his side, it’ll all be ok. The spirit touched my heart with this thought and I couldn’t help but sing with all my heart. What a powerful song.

This week was also my baby brother’s birthday. It has been 31 years since he’s passed but when I remembered it was his birthday, it still hurt. I miss him. I know I’ll see him again, but I cannot wait for the day when I get to hug him and tell him thank you for all of the times he has been there for me on the other side of the veil. I know he has been our family’s guardian angel and it warms my heart. Those moments have been rare, but powerful and undeniable. I am so ever grateful for my Savior’s sacrifice so the sting of death is not part of the absence I feel, but instead a longing for that reunion.

Maverick also had his annual school play. He asked me if he could have a speaking part next year because he was in Hawaii for all of the practices this year. I knew he had a bit of my acting blood in him.
My server is giving me errors to adding new photos and videos, so I’ll have to go back and add a clip from Mav’s play later.