Ok, not too lazy. We’ve gotten into a good routine.
No screens till after lunch and all of your chores must be done.
30 min reading
30 min learning (this includes piano, computer programming, art, and some learning activities we got from the library)
Clean rooms
Help mom with any daily tasks that need done (depends on the age, but Max helps mow, Bev is really good at wiping down the table, Maverick is always picking up Harvey’s messes, and Harvey is busy making them… and learning how to clean them up). All the kids help with dinner cleanup and mom’s main goal this summer is to create a home where it is instinctual to pick up after yourself… wish me luck.
We haven’t had any excursions, really, but I did get to take Beverly to get her ears pierced. She told me a couple of weeks ago that she didn’t ever want her ears pierced. I told her that was fine, but some day she may change her mind. Well, Afton (her best friend and next door neighbor) wanted them for her birthday, and suddenly Beverly found the courage to do hers as well. We got them done at Aesthetics at Augusta ENT. It was like a five minute ordeal. They numbed the area, drew a dot for where we wanted them placed, then on the count of three two nurses used a gun to pierce both lobes at the same time. Bev said it didn’t even hurt. They are so cute on her! Her papa offered to buy her her first pair of earrings to wear after they heal. She picked some gold turtles.
The kids and I attended a friend’s baptism on Saturday, where Maverick was asked to play prelude. He also played prelude for primary today. He’s improving well.
Andy left for his spontaneous deployment on Friday morning so I got a sitter for Thursday evening to send him off with some good vibes. Since he’s been gone I’ve gotten a ton of stuff done and have a few more projects I hope to finish before he gets back so that we can hangout without these projects looming in the back of my mind. So far I finished one big painting, two minis, started a third, gessoed a fourth, and am continuing to work on another one I’ve been working on since General Conference. I also made a wreath, went through Beverly’s clothes and kept the kids fed and happy. All in all it’s been an ok weekend, but we do miss Andy. The kids got to see a deer outside our fence on Friday, so that was exciting. We’ve been hitting the pool almost every afternoon and our next door neighbors and our kids swap back and forth to where they’re playing. My kids made a bucket list for the summer including a lot of crowded exhausting extracurriculars, which we’ll probably go and do, but I have to admit, I really just love hanging out here with them. We did make a library visit and came home with an abundance of books to help with their daily reading, but mostly we exercise, play, and more. There’s been a lot of fort and lego building along with some arts and crafts. The month of July will be insane with travel, so I’m really savoring these slower days.