School’s out for the Summer!

Beverly had Quite a Week

Beverly had her much anticipated FIRST haircut. We took her to our friend, Anica who is moving to the west side of Georgia later in June. She has a daughter, who is also our baby sitter, who has beautiful naturally curly hair so I knew she’d know what to do. Beverly has never had a haircut and really didn’t need one as far as length, but her ends were getting raggedy and some hair was a lot longer than others, so I thought it was due for a trim and to even things out. I think it turned out rather cute!

This Friday, she was trying to be helpful and open up a package with scissors and wound up snipping her thumb instead. Andy came home a few hours later from work and glued it up for her. He said it wasn’t that bad that they probably could’ve just bandied it, but bad enough that it didn’t hurt to use the glue. Well, this Sunday we were once again grateful we have an in house doctor. Maverick accidentally opened up the church door on Beverly’s foot, driving a huge cut into her big toe. Lots of blood and crying later we made it home where he was able to patch her up. (Don’t worry the painter’s sheet wasn’t for the blood- we had a painting party last night). Meanwhile, I’m learning that late nights need to be kept to the weekend. Kids without enough sleep are not easy to reason with.

Amidst the chaos, we’ve been having fun. Monday, Max had an end of year 5th grade party where I got to bring him home early. Tuesday I got in a good workout at the gym that left me so sore I could barely walk down the stairs. Then we got Bev’s haircut that afternoon. Wednesday, the kids got out of school early and we took them to Izumi’s to celebrate. Harvey gorged himself on squid while the rest of us enjoyed sushi and hibachi. Thursday was our first official day of summer break. We went on a lovely walk (though rather hot), then the afternoon was fun at the pool. Friday I took the kids on a walk (where Bev decided mid walk that she didn’t want to ride her bike any more… that was fun), then ran to Costco with all four kids (not fun at all), then dealt with the bloody thumb, then a pool break and finally Andy and I escaped to eat dinner without kids while Izzy got to enjoy them. (Win win). Saturday we got to celebrate our friend Emmy’s 5th birthday followed by a bbq lunch at our neighbor’s, Kandy, which included a slip and slide inflatable. Then we finished the night off with painting our spouses with our friends… it was entertaining to say the least. I had a lot of pressure on me to get a portrait done in an hour that looked decent, but Andy seemed to pull it off without any problems.

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