Celebrating Max

I can’t believe the boy who made me a mom just turned 11! I feel so blessed to be able to have him call me mom. He is kind, responsible, resilient, and his taste for knowledge is a wonder to observe. I couldn’t have asked for a better first born. He loves taking care of his younger siblings and is quick to help. I have a video of Max when he was about one and a half helping me change the laundry. He has been helping me ever since. I am not scared to teach him how to drive in four years because he’s been driving power wheels since he was two and gets to drive both Papa’s side by sides when we visit. His curiosity leads to an amazing intellect. He is his dad’s little shadow. He floods him with questions about the server, programming, car maintenance, and budgeting. I can’t wait to see where this kid ends up. He currently plans on being a computer programmer and I can definitely see that happening. He still loves Minecraft and Jurassic World and he has kept his innocent which I love so much. We celebrated him on Thursday with a birthday party, dinner at Red Lobster, and finished the night with a sleepover in the living room with his siblings. Aside from Thursday, however, we had a blast this week between bowling on Monday, visiting the zoo on Tuesday, and had some friends over Wednesday and Friday while mom tried to catch up around the house.

Summer has been fun, but I tell you what, it is hard to keep up when the little tornadoes are still in the house. Despite it all, I’ve been making good progress on my novel. Did I mention in my blog that I’m writing a novel? Don’t worry, it is way more interesting than my blog. For those who read my blog– thanks for loving me, because truly it is a bit of a journal for me, but anyway, the novel… I tell people it’s about an alien and sometimes I get an “that’s odd” look, but I promise it is so much more interesting than any green man would be. An alien finds his way to our home planet to essentially conquer it and prepare it for his own people to come and live, but instead he finds a way to delay his planet’s coming and blend in with Earth. Their DNA is not too far distant from our own, but they have mastered genetic manipulation and have essentially bred their own people to create specific skillsets depending on the person. The book starts the day his Earth life comes crashing down around him as meteorites disguise then invasion of his home planet.

Bev went on her first official Daddy-Daughter date. They both agreed there’d be a second really soon.

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