While I still made a few calls on the Crisis hotline, it was far less than the week before. Between being busy with normal life and fighting off a yucky bug, I wasn’t as available as I had been. There weren’t any organized volunteers for tree clearing this weekend either, so I guess as a whole we all took a bit of a break. Next weekend more stakes are coming from out of town to help us, so we’ll have another big organized effort going out to help around. Life is fairly normal now with fully stocked grocery stores, school and sports in session, gym classes are up and running, etc. but the streets are still lined with debris mostly waiting to be picked up, but in some cases still in need of helping hands to cut and gather. I kind of feel like I got shortchanged of the month of October. It is almost November when we enter holiday mode of Christmas decorating, shopping, etc. And I don’t feel ready for it. I barely feel ready for Halloween. I’m slowly getting back into writing and working on my novel and I’ve picked back up at the gym, but my energy levels seem to have missed the memo. It’s probably just this virus that’s been going around, but I am dragging. Anyway, that’s it for this week because I have a few other things I need to do today, but stay tuned for more next week. Love y’all.