Crap happens

I ended up getting sick Tuesday evening and waking up Wednesday feeling even worse. In some ways I was grateful I had a cold because it explained the weird things that had been happening to me during the previous week. My left eye started twitching (and still is) and I had joint pain on nearly …

Working Title

We are all a working title in our lives. This week in Come Follow Me, we are reminded to listen to the counsel of the Prophets. President Nelson’s talks have still been ruminating in my mind, specifically about the instruction on Pride and humility. I know that humility is the opposite of pride, that when …

Short and Sweet

We had a good, quick week. We had time with friends, completed lots of tasks around the house, and enjoyed each other’s company. Not much was different or new and overall a good week. I’m pretty wiped out for some reason, so I’m going to keep this short. But next week will be what I’ve …

To Beginnings

As the kids jumped back into school (barely a day and a half after we landed in ATL), I kept pushing forward, trying to get our lives back in order. We had a wonderful and fun summer and it really went to fast, but I am grateful to be back in a routine. Beverly has …

Utah Week 1

We were all set to leave for Utah Tuesday morning around 3 AM. I got up at 2, showered and got out as Andy came into the bathroom to tell me our flight had been canceled. Super bummed we spent the next hour trying to get in touch with Delta to come up with an …