Lots of time at home this week

We didn’t get out much this week. First of all we were sick. Then when we started feeling better my kids were able to go to school Wednesday and half of Thursday before an early day out and a day off on Friday. Go figure. So I got to spend a lot of time with the kids. The weather was pretty yucky, so the kids had a lot of pent up energy. This is where the sensory swing comes in handy. There were lots of forts, lots of legos and dinosaurs, and lots of screen time. We tried to go bowling on Saturday but it was packed. I guess everyone else had the same idea we did. Instead, we went to “Artsy Me.” One of those ceramic painting studios. The three oldest painted two mugs and a plate. I forgot to take pictures because I was too busy helping them paint. We all had a good time.

Friday evening, Andy and I were able to celebrate Jay Durrant’s birthday. Lindsay went all out with some delicious appetizers and desserts, including her famous cupcakes and homemade Oreos. I have no idea how she is as tiny as she is because her food is so good.

Bev and Afton had to spend a week a part so the Durrant’s wouldn’t catch the stomach bug we had. I think they avoided it, though they did pick up some other cold. When everyone was feeling better, Afton and Bev spent the day hopping between houses and were devastated at dinner time when Afton had to go home, despite having spent the entire day together. Today at church Harvey snuck off and sat with Lindsay for a solid ten minutes. I tried to entice Afton to come sit with me to give her mom a break, but she wouldn’t have it. I did hold her during primary though because I got recruited to help with the CTR 4 class (Bev’s class) and during sharing time Afton and another neighborhood kid sunbeam were chasing each other under the tables and chairs. I am pretty sure I was the only one in there comfortable enough with Afton to grab her and have her sit with me on my lap. The teachers looked relieved because nothing they were doing before that were helping. Kids will be kids, but I get– it’s hard to teach the rest of the kids when a couple of them are way more entertaining than the teacher in front of them.

This week in Come Follow Me we studied about Joseph “and the amazing technicolor dream coat” ;). That’s what I think about every time I read these chapters. But what stood out to me this time was that how hard it must’ve been for Joseph to remain optimistic and steadfast when he was doing everything “right” but continued to face hardship after hardship despite the good he did. I also felt a little bit more understanding for the other 11 brothers and how difficult it would be to have a father who completely favored one child. We jokingly asked our kids, “Who do you think your parents’ favorite child is?” They just looked confused. Max said, “You don’t have a favorite.” Which is true, and I’m also glad they feel that way. I love all of my children equally. I do realize that sometimes you have to parent each child a little differently, and I think that that is sometimes where favoritism is manifest or perceived. Each one of my kids brings something special to our family and it wouldn’t be the same without them. Despite challenging pregnancies, a super busy husband, and distant family, I am grateful I get to be the mother to each one of these special kids. Even Harvey who never ceases to amaze me with the trouble he can get into.

Back to the initial lesson learned from Joseph. Are we resilient enough to keep doing what we should even when the blessings from Heaven aren’t apparent? Even when it isn’t the popular thing to do? Even if our beliefs are twisted to look wrong or however the adversary wants to spin them? Sometimes it is hard to keep doing what is right and trusting in the eternal perspective, but it is essential. We need to remember that this life is just a fleeting moment in the eternities, but critical to how our eternity is. Just do your best. That’s all the Lord expects. Trust in Him. And also I have to add– trust that everyone else is just doing their best too. Only Christ knows their heart, their circumstances, etc. That is why He is the judge– not us (thank goodness). Living your life with this perspective will bring more faith and trust in others which also brings more joy. Hang in there. Things are rough right now, but we already know the end– God prevails. He sees how it will turn out after the “7 years of famine.” He knows what we need to do now to get through those times. Hold fast.

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