Happy Anniversary to my Sweetheart

We celebrated a little unconventionally this year. Andy had 24 hour shift so I brought him Slim Chickens to celebrate on our anniversary. He had flowers sent to our home and I got him a traditional Star Wars bobble head. Our “gift” to each other was a VR headset. We’ve enjoyed it– it’s quite an experience. What a world we live in! We finished our celebration this Saturday with dinner away from the kids at a southern eatery called “Frog and Hen.” It was delicious, though I didn’t go for the southern cooking, because they had sweet potato gnocchi that was soooo good. Andy went with a catfish poboy and I think he was happy with his pick. Though we’ve been through a lot over the past 11 years, it has gone by fast! I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else at my side. Andy and I have both grown so much in the past 11 years and he is my home, my laughter and joy, the drive in my day. He is so sweet to me. Quick to forgive, always looking to make me happy and laugh, and so playful with the kids. I am a lucky girl.

Aside from Andy’s busy work week, it wasn’t too bad of a week, though I felt in a funk all week. Our family was sick last week and I just feel like I haven’t fully kicked it yet. I went to the gym every day this week and it took everything in me to push myself to get started, but I love the gym. I love the outlet it gives me, the way I feel after a good workout, and let’s be honest- the included childcare and water bed massage after my workout. I was a bit stressed this week and due to my frantic nature, I made a mistake while cleaning dishes and scrubbed the knife on the sharp end, which ended up slicing straight through the sponge and into my thumb. Thank goodness it was on one of Andy’s evenings off and thank goodness he had surgical glue to repair my mistake.

This Saturday I got to take Beverly to the library’s princess time. I think she really needed that one on one time with me and it was fun to give it to her.

I’d write more about my thoughts and feelings on Ukraine, the state of our country, my testimony, etc. But I’m wiped out today. So maybe next week. Till then, I hope you have a good week!

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