I’ve shared this in my blog before, but gratitude really can shape or reshape your reality. We all have so much to be grateful for. Someone in church yesterday was talking about how the Psalms are songs of praise, and though our Father in Heaven probably loves to hear the word “thank you,” gratitude is more for our own souls. This next week in Come Follow Me we get to explore Proverbs. Here is one that touched my soul this morning.

When I was struggling during residency, Andy gave me a blessing that urged me to look for the blessings that have come from trials in my life. I began keeping a general gratitude journal. I sent Andy texts as he worked. The texts were little words of gratitude for things I was grateful for in him. I also opened my heart to looking for good things that had come from my trials. The hard things became rugged mountains that I had summit. And suddenly I had reached the peak- the vista in full view. It made the hike through those rocky moments worth it. I have seen so many blessings from my trials and that little act of gratitude changed my whole mindset and got me through some of the toughest years of my life. This is what this scripture made me think of. As I acknowledged His hand in all aspects of my life, I began to see more and more times where he held and guided me and it gives me faith that he is still guiding me today.
I can sometimes sense myself sliding back into old habits. Mindless habits. Habits that dragged me down and made me see the worst in myself and others. When I take the time to show gratitude, it heals me and lights up the world around me. Here are some beautiful moments from my week. My kids don’t always love my dinners, but this week, when I made my “award-winning” chili, my kids gave me all the praise. “It’s been so long since you’ve made this, I don’t remember what it tastes like, but I remember I love it!”-Max
“MMMMM!!!! This is better than dessert!”- Maverick, the household sweet tooth.
So I guess it means I should make it more often!