Sunday ramblings

Sunday evening I met with my new Young Women presidency. I had been in there since August, but we received a new second counselor and president on Sunday. It was a very spirit filled evening and I knew that this was the presidency that was needed at this time for these YW. Then on Friday I was extended a call to serve with the primary (the children of our church). I am excited to serve with this presidency, one of them is my dear friend Lindsay Durrant. It will be fun to serve with these ladies, but I’m also very excited to serve the children, because I’ve never had a long stint in the primary, so this will be an adventure! I felt a little sad about leaving the young women, just because I love them and I’ve enjoyed serving there and I also felt like I was still in the beginning of stages with these girls… one of my weaknesses is that it takes me time to warm up in callings, or new areas, or making new friends. I know that this is right though, and it will be a good learning experience for me. Growth is what this life is all about, right?

Aside from the calling swaps, not much happened this week. I got to go on a 4.5 mile walk with some girl friends and I worked out every weekday this week. I started off with Pilates, then Tuesday was pump, Wednesday I ran for thirty minutes, Thursday I did the hike, and Friday I did some yoga. I love working out. This week I’m going to incorporate focusing on my water in take. Then next week I’ll try adding in another atomic, healthy habit. I’m trying to be kind to my body, both by what I put into it and how I treat it physically AND mentally. I have carried and born four children. This body deserves my respect. It truly can be a curse or a blessing depending on how we treat it and how we look at it. It is easy to allow the expectations of the world to make us treat ourselves poorly, but we can rise above it if we remember the purpose of the body and the gift that it is.

Saturday evening, Andy and I were invited to a friend’s house for some fajitas and games. This group of friends has been a true blessing in our lives and they have brought us a lot of joy.

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