Lazy Summer Days

For the most part, we spent the week resting up from all of our travels. Lots of friend and pool time as well. On Wednesday we snuck away for a close by getaway with the kids and some neighbor friends. We visited a tiny zoo that had three black bears, an alligator, an otter, an eagle, some turkeys, some owls, and very little else. The bears were super cute though. We ate lunch at a pretty fun park, though it was quite squelching. We went for two dollars cones at a pharmacy in town and finished off at a nature exhibit, which was by far the most fun for the kids. We feel very fortunate that we have such awesome friends.

I forgot to add this to the post last week. Another painting I’ve done this summer.
Harvey finally got his haircut too. He was really good at pushing it off, but he finally “allowed” me to cut it (with only mild irritation) and was very happy with the results.

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