This weekend we had our church’s biannual General Conference. I look forward to hearing from the apostles and Prophet of the church. I have so much to learn and I feel so edified after listening to General Conference. They used to seem to last so long as a kid, but as an adult I am surprised how quickly the time goes. My favorite talk was from Elder Uchtdorf. He had such great insight into the plan of salvation and it was neat to hear him share the same things I did not too long ago about my understandings and feelings on the plan of salvation and degrees of glory. These men unapologetically share the standards of the church and do it with such love for those that they serve day in and day out. Even our President and prophet, President Nelson injured himself and somehow managed to present a talk during the last session of general conference, urging us to focus on eternal matters and make decisions with a celestial mindset. Having the gospel in my life really does inspire and influence the way I interact with others, improve my marriage, serve my community, and even in the thoughts I have. I recently realized that when I was in the very depths of despair a few years ago, it was the act of repenting– or turning to God, that allowed me to stop wallowing in intrusive, destructive thoughts. It also amazes me how quickly they try to sneak back in, but when I remember what I have been through and how hard I worked to learn what I have, it is a lot easier these days to push those thoughts out of my mind and allow productive and light-filled thoughts guide my mind and life.