Full, fun week.

Halloween in this neighborhood is top shelf. Maybe literally. We have probably half a dozen houses that offer “adult drinks” to those 21 and older. The kids get a little confused by this, since they’re often kind of fun looking like red liquid in a syringe, jello in little cups, or a brewing bowl of “apple cider.” Our neighbors are surprised that we always turn them down, thinking that if we have this many kids around us we must surely need something to chill us out. I am grateful I have never needed to checkout of parenting with a substance and we still know how to have a good time! We really do love how “all out” our neighborhood goes though! Our kids didn’t even think to knock or ring at certain houses even if their lights were on and they had decorations galore. They’d just walk on by unless 1) they had a bowl of candy out front or 2) the neighbor was sitting at the end of their driveway greeting every one and passing out goodie bags, full-sized candy bars, and other fun treats. One neighbor even made a haunted house in their garage. Maverick was too terrified to check it out, but Harvey was all about it. Maverick should have gone in, because just the idea of it had him freaking out for about two blocks when it really wasn’t that scary.

My kids had their school’s annual fun run. We had a good time and I spent the entire day at their school between the three of them. Beverly was definitely the one with the most stamina (and maybe speed) of the three. Max spent the whole time avoiding the chalk color, but got in a good run.

Max had his second to last game this past week. It was their best yet. They still didn’t win (they’ve come close nearly every single time with one tie), but they were leading the majority of the game till a referee started favoring the other side by not calling penalties on them and calling one on us for every tiny thing. Not sure what caused him to flip, but it was so frustrating, because it literally cost us the game. Yes, our team probably deserved 3/4 final penalties, but the other team was getting away with very obvious false starts, etc. The other team is the number one in the district… makes you wonder. Anyway, it was a lot of fun to watch and our players have progressed so much this season. Max made some great goal saving tackles and I’m so proud of how much our cute coach has progressed as well as Max.

We ended the week with Beverly catching a fever on Friday-Saturday. Harvey had croup at the beginning of the week and is still gross sounding. I was the only one who attended church today due to sickness, but I think they’re on the mend. My dear sister, Crista, had her fifth baby this week. He is absolutely adorable. I wish I was there to snuggle his chunky cheeks. He was born with a few birth defects, so prayers are welcome and appreciated. Hopefully he won’t have to stay in the NICU too much longer. I am so grateful for a family that rallies around one another when one is in need. I know not everyone is as blessed. I hope I can do my part in my sphere of influence to help those who aren’t.

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