I have much to be grateful for! I missed a week of blogging (I was busy working on Christmas presents), but we’ve had some full weeks! We celebrated our Veteran, Daddy by treating the kids to Dave and Busters. Andy left that place smiling as big as the kids. He said it was one of his most favorite Veteran’s days yet. This time of year is always hard for him. He has lost some close brother’s-in-arms years ago and their death dates fall right around now. He also fought in some major battles that fell right around these times. One of which led to his early retirement from deployments and sent him home on a med-evac. I’m grateful that he came out alive and though his injury still gives him a lot of pain these days, it could have been much worse and his misfortune led him to me, which I’d like to think brought him the greatest amount of joy ;).
Aside from being grateful for our veterans, I am grateful for good friends! We have been so blessed to be in the neighborhood with some amazing members of our faith that just so happen to know how to have a good time. We get together monthly and I really look forward to those nights! Our friend, Anica, hosted this past month and we did our first murder mystery dinner. It was a blast. Lots of laughs and some good ol’ acting. I was pleased that I won best actress AND best costume. I guess my childhood days are still deep inside somewhere. It is also a huge bonus that our kids get along. It brings so many memories of my childhood back to my mind.
I am also grateful for Beverly! Every Thanksgiving we get to celebrate her as well. I am so happy she was brought into my family and she makes being a girl mom so much fun. She is learning to regulate her emotions and communicate, but hey, so am I. She loves all things girly but loves to rough it up with her brothers. She is one dang fast runner and loves to dance and sing.
Finally, I’m grateful for family. My parents came this way this Thanksgiving and it is such a joy to have them around. I love spending time with them and talking to them about life, the purpose of life, and the joys that family brings. I wish that I could’ve known my grandparents as an adult like I get to learn about my parents. It is definitely a different experience than being a kid in their home. They become good friends and it is so fun to get to know them in that light. We got to treat them to a delicious dinner at our favorite restaurant, Cork and Flame. It is a great experience and very delicious.
I am extremely grateful for my darling sweetheart, Andybear. He has brought me so much understanding, love, and joy. I wouldn’t want another person to spend eternity with. He makes each day bright and is truly my best friend. Love him forever.

I am very grateful for my extended family. Crista and her family have been in our prayers lately. They have a lot going on. Their darling little boy was born with some birth defects, so if you can, say a prayer for them too. Thank you!