Considering it was a week of parties, it was a bit of a sad, hard week for me, but I can’t share that info on the web. Those of you who are close with me already know what is going on, and those who want to be closer, feel free to call me. I can talk on the phone. Anyway, I did my best to stay happy for the kids. I went to three of the four class parties and had a good time seeing my kids in their classrooms with their peers. Then we went to Andy’s work party and finished the weekend off on a short, but sweet date just the two of us and the next night at our friend’s house for a somewhat regular adult game night.
Andy’s work party was at Dink’d- a pickleball paradise. It was nice to meet some of his coworkers that I hadn’t met yet and chat with some of the ones I already know. I really like the community he has at work. His current hospital has been a very different environment than where he did residency and I can genuinely say that the majority of those that work there are exceptional, family-centered, loving people that I have a high opinion of. We are really hoping he can stay there once his military service is over.
Max and Maverick got “orbi-guns” for birthday presents this past year and recently have been getting really into playing with them. Andy decided he needed one too and bought me one so I could join in… though I’m not sure how often I will- I think I’ll leave that fun to him and the kids. There were a few bruises, but for the most part they had a lot of fun and I think Andy had the most fun of all, teaching them his army tactics and maneuvers. He was so proud of how well they picked up his strategies. I guess we’ll have our own little army in no time.
Despite it being a hard week for me, I have seen God in the details already. The day of the bad news, I received a package from my sister, Adrienne. After talking to her a couple of days later she told me she had to send a few more things and didn’t know why she felt so rushed to send that first package when she knew she was forgetting some things, but it truly came on the perfect day. A couple of days later I received a Christmas card from my sister, Crista. Included was a note from her daughter that was just what I needed. It came right when it was supposed to, so I told my sister thank you for the note, the neat thing was that she said she had sent it forever ago and was surprised it took so long to get to me, meanwhile Adrienne had sent hers such a short time ago and yet it got to me so quickly. God is in the details. There are a few other ways that I’ve seen his hand and felt him send peace to my heart, and I hope to be able to share those with you soon, but truly, I am grateful. Sad, but grateful, because I know that the Lord is on my side. I know that even in or maybe especially in the hard times, the Lord is with us. Amidst all the partying and business of the week, my heart has been turned to the Lord a lot. I would like to think it would’ve anyway as we’re celebrating his birth and life, but it seems extra tender for me this year. I renewed my temple recommend after church today and as they asked me the words from the handbook, I got oddly emotional as they asked me if I believed the Lord was my Savior and redeemer. Yes. I do. I know through him, I can do hard things. I also got to sing about his birth in Sacrament meeting today. I really miss singing and ones of my goals for 2025 is to look for more opportunities to sing.
Love the face paint and Christmas outfits your kids have! And the dink shirts are awesome 😅