Happy Easter

Our church had a special Sunday for Easter. We joined our meeting with the neighboring ward. We were able to listen to several musical numbers and a short talk from a member in our Stake Presidency. I love how quickly the music brings the spirit into the meeting. There weren’t any lengthy sermons, but solemn …

Happy Anniversary Andy

We celebrated this anniversary (13) by cleaning the backyard, getting it ready for planting AND pressure washing the back porch for our new patio furniture. They’re already covered in pollen so I’ll have to blow it off with the leave blower with some serious mask/eye protection. BUT we love it already. They’re comfortable and look …

After this week…

Anyone else have those moments where you say, “things will calm down after this week”? Well, “after this week” has finally come. Back in October I was in charge of the primary program, then Halloween, then Beverly’s birthday, then hosting Thanksgiving, then going on a fun (but still had to prepare for it) vacation with …

Maverick’s baptized!

Yesterday we got to celebrate Maverick’s baptism. Both sets of grandparents came for the occasion. He had all of his neighborhood friends there to support and celebrate with us too. It was a wonderful experience. I teared up as he entered the waters. My little boy, growing up. He has been excited and ready for …