Our week

We started the week off finishing the baseball season with Maverick. He made huge improvements this year between his runs between bases, his average batting score, and honestly just paying better attention. It made it a lot more fun to watch. He really enjoys baseball and I have a feeling I get to watch many …

Spring break Recap

This past week was Mom’s recovery from spring break. I couldn’t get pictures to work for the blog last week, so I’m moving a piece of last week’s blog to this one to include the pictures. I had a wonderful time with our dear friends, the Ingles. They came so Stephen could work the Masters, …

Happy Easter

This post is focusing on my Savior Jesus Christ, some thoughts I have had this week regarding his sacrifice, and what I learned from General Conference. At the end I’ll have a quick slide show of our fun spring break leading up to the culmination of celebrating our Savior’s real birth, death, and resurrection. It …

12 Years.

Andy and I met in the fall of 2010. I had recently broken up with my previous boyfriend and so despite wanting to take my time to feel things out, I found myself falling in love with this man. He teases me now that I married him for his money, but we all know he …