Bev’s Sick

Bev has had mouth sores all week so she’s been so incredibly grumpy. Yesterday she was doing better so I thought I could finally head to the gym. We made it all the way to the gym. (this involved packing a picnic for the lake afterwards, swim gear, towels, beach toys, etc) and Max complained …

Andy starts work

Andy has been pretty busy with orientation stuff at work, but today was his official first work day. He told me some crazy stories, but I think he enjoyed finally getting to do what he loves. For the Fourth of July we went to a work party that he was invited to. I love how …

Houston Friends

Now that Andy’s started work back up and I’ve began to have a bit of a routine, it is beginning to feel more like home and less like an extended vacation. This has brought a bit of peace, but also a bit of sadness. At times I think about going to my favorite people’s homes, …