Our week

We started the week off finishing the baseball season with Maverick. He made huge improvements this year between his runs between bases, his average batting score, and honestly just paying better attention. It made it a lot more fun to watch. He really enjoys baseball and I have a feeling I get to watch many more seasons of this.

Mav has been putting off getting a haircut all baseball season. Andy told him it was bad luck to cut your hair before the last game, so Maverick believed him and waited till the day after his last game. I have cut his hair, Harvey’s hair, Andy’s hair, and Max’s hair countless times. Andy and I estimated I’ve saved him over 4 grand in haircuts over the years. So I think I’ve gotten pretty decent at it (the less wiggly they are the better), but I must’ve been really tired, because when I went to touch up a spot on his head, I had forgotten that I had taken the guard off and gave him a big ol’ bald spot. Thank goodness this happened to Maverick and not Max, because Mav is a lot more easy going. I felt SO bad and he just said, “Will it grow back?” I said, “yes, eventually…” and he said, “Then it’s ok mom, don’t worry about it.” He definitely got brownies points from me at that point, but my mom-guilt was still strong. I asked him if I could fix it and the first day he said, nah, it was fine the way it was, but the second day I asked him again and he said, “Yeah, I want you to fix it.” He said no one made fun of him, he just told them his mom messed up… oops. But after I fixed it (see pics from the camping trip) he said the kids at school really liked his new do.

Thursday I was feeling run down and Afton (our next door neighbor) was sick and it was their day to carpool so I asked Bev if she wanted me to take her to school or if she wanted to stay home. She was like, “Wait, what?” So we played hookie. We had a great day together. We did a dance party together, Played with kinetic sand, read some books, and had pampering sessions. We did our face, nails, and hair. To be honest, I was pretty wiped out from a full day of entertaining her, but I think we all need a day like that with our moms every once in a while. Even Harvey enjoyed “spa day.” Bev fixed his hair and he finagled painted blue toenails.

We finished the week off on a quick camping trip at West Pointes in Appling GA (about 30 min from our house). It was a beautiful weekend. We had planned on two nights, but after further consideration decided to keep it to one night so we wouldn’t be rushed Sunday morning packing up camp and getting ready for church. It turned out for the best though, because Saturday night was very wet and rainy. We invited the Durrants to go camping with us. They had too much going on Saturday, so they opted to eat dinner with us over a campfire and then head home. When the campsite is only 30 minutes away, this was a tempting offer for us too. We ended up keeping their twins (Max’s age). They were a fun addition, though I’m sure most of their kids wished they could’ve stayed too. I thought to pack nearly everything we needed except swimsuits. I had never been to this campsite before and the lake is literally right there. But the lack of swimsuits didn’t deter the kids. They hopped in clothes and all. We told them when they were completely done with the water they could put on their PJs. I had a little anxiety during the night for fear that Harvey would unzip their tent and go for a swim. I told Andy next time he’d be sleeping in his lifejacket. Andy just rolled his eyes at me, but seriously, I didn’t sleep much at all because I was so worried about that.

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