Happy Mothers’ Day to all the wonderful women in my life

Here’s baby Max, the kid who gave me the right to carry the title “mother.”

I feel extremely fortunate in the mom department. I have had amazing mothers to show me what it means to be a great mom. My own mother for starters, then when I got married I inherited another wonderful mom-figure. I also loved my mother-in-law’s mom and was so fortunate to get to know her almost better than my own grandmas, since my mom’s mom died of Alzheimers in my late teen years. I look forward to the resurrection when I can walk alongside Ila and get to know the vibrant, non-ailing version of that kind wonderful woman. I also have added on bonus women in my life who have become like sisters to me while still in some ways mothering me and my children. I will always hold Marni Burke and Geri Briceno with tender regard. My own children called Marni Grandma and it warmed my heart to see them be loved by someone as much as I did. Since moving here, my dear friend Lindsay often mothers my children and I hers as they run in between houses. I’ve had the opportunity to get to know other women in our neighborhood and in our circle and learn from their examples. Truly there are too many to list off here, but I am grateful for them all. I try my best with my own kids and hope that considering all the wonderful influences I have in my life, I can do a somewhat decent job with these precious ones.

I was greatly spoiled this weekend by my children and husband. Kind letters and gifts along with a Saturday to go exploring the Savannah with some of those wonderful women. We got to go on a double date with some dear friends on Friday night and fortunately or unfortunately had to replace my washer and dryer. Andy tried to clump that in with all the other goodies he’s treated me to this weekend for mothers day and I firmly said, “No, they are not associated with mothers day ;).” I am grateful that we have the means to be able to replace them without feeling financially strapped. We haven’t always been in this situation. A breakfast in bed by my sweet husband started my day along with ample time to get ready for church without the hassle of juggling the needs of all the kids. Andy gave a lovely talk in church about the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ and the path that we must walk to return to our Savior. I got to go to Relief Society and mingle with friends along with hearing from our Bishop and his wife. We have a wonderful ward that I feel very grateful to be a part of.

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