Summer Begins

Adjusting to having the kids home is no easy feat. I have to figure out how to stay sane in the chaos, because really I can’t expect the house to stay picked up while all four kids are home and trying to stay entertained. I am focusing on teaching them to pick up after themselves so that it is a little less overwhelming for me. I told the kids they can have “free time” as soon as 1) rooms are cleaned, 30 minutes of reading is done, and their piano or coding (in Max’s case) are finished. This has highly motivated them and they have their free time before lunch, sometimes before I’ve even gotten out of bed, so I’m going to have to figure out some extra chores for them to do so they’re not just vegging all summer… but mostly I just want them to play and be kids. As you can see in the pictures above we went to the pool twice this week. We were supposed to go on Saturday too for Max’s birthday, but it was a high of 59 degrees and rainy! So we moved the birthday party to our house. I threw together a party for them and I believe they had fun. We did “Mafia” but I renamed it “Among us” and adapted the mafia to “imposters.” The kids had so much fun with this activity, we almost ran out of time for the other two activities: Sock wars capture the flag and the “candy bar game.” The kids loved both of those games too. We got way too much pizza despite there being 15 kids. All and all, summer is off to a good start. We’re excited to make our way to Utah to visit family.

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