We didn’t have a lot going on this week, but Bev and Mav had preschool open house. I am ready for preschool to start. Being cooped up in the house for four plus months isn’t good for anyone. Granted we had time to visit family, which was so fun and so exhausting, but definitely good …

Myrtle Fun

We returned home from Myrtle beach last Friday, but it’s taken the whole week to recover, unpack, and get back into routines. I’m still pretty tired, but that could be due to Andy’s night shift schedule. It is always hard for me to go to bed on time when he’s on nights. Getting the kids …

Happy Easter

We had a bit of a crazy Easter as the kids went to town on their Easter Baskets and Max was really the only one with any self control, so I’m pretty sure all Bev ate today was sugar of one form or another, Mav had a bit less and Max had the least. Typical. …


The beginning of April seems to bring some important events. It is when we believe our Savior was born (April 6th), as well as the date of his resurrection, it is also when the church was officially established, and for me personally it also has some significance. My brother Thomas died April 3rd (same date …