Moving forward

While I’m a big supporter of intuitive eating, I realized I really need to get my eating under control. One of the pillars of intuitive eating is mindful eating. I am not there. It encourages eating without distraction, focusing on your food and paying attention to how it makes you feel, when you are full, …

Sunday ramblings

Sunday evening I met with my new Young Women presidency. I had been in there since August, but we received a new second counselor and president on Sunday. It was a very spirit filled evening and I knew that this was the presidency that was needed at this time for these YW. Then on Friday …

New Year, same stuff

I have been known to make extensive resolutions. I list out categories and use the SMART theory of planning (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely). I have utilized my teaching planning skills by stating what my end goal is and working my way backwards to figure out the daily habits I need to implement to …

Celebrating Christmas

We started the week off attending Beverly’s preschool’s Christmas performance. I teared up. It wasn’t particularly amazing and the lyrics weren’t distinctly spiritual, but watching these darling, innocent children of God celebrate their Savior’s birth brought tears to my eyes. It may also be that I’m having a hard time with Beverly being nearly ready …