
First off, Happy Thanksgiving! I know it’s a week and a half late, but after we finished hosting thanksgiving, Andy graciously passed on his stomach bug… which I’m pretty sure he got from Maverick who probably got it from Max, though his didn’t manifest till a week later, oh and Bev had it a week …


I’ll admit, family photos was painful. Harvey was in a mood–probably due to daylight savings still messing with his inner clock. He’s been up around 4:30/5:30 every day since then. It makes for a cranky kid which makes a cranky mom. This morning he woke up at 5:30 and proceeded to whine at my door …

Veterans Day

This past Friday was Veteran’s Day. Andy got to start celebrating it early on Wednesday at our elementary school. They had a special program for veterans and asked any veteran in the area to come and march in their parade. There were quite a few since we live so close to a military base. Andy …

Time flies.

This year, trick-or-treating was a little different. Max and Maverick split off with their friends while Bev, Harvey, Andy and I went around with Afton and Lindsay. We all had a good time and the Kids wound up with way too much candy. I really can’t believe my boys are old enough to trick-or-treat with …

Making Family

It’s really hard to live so far away from our families. Andy’s are in Texas and Hawaii, my family is in Utah– all six of my siblings and their families and my parents. I’ve gotten “used” to it for the most part, but holidays make the distance a little more obvious. That being said, Andy …

A fun and busy week.

Last Sunday we had dinner and s’mores with one of our family friends. We love the Woods. They’re wholesome, fun, and down-to-earth, keep-it-real type of people. We love hanging out with them any chance we get. And it helps that our kids are pretty close to the same age! Football games are in full swing. …


Last week we were on deaths door, or so it felt. Every kid had their turn with fevers that lasted around five days for each of them. Max and Beverly got so sick they were hallucinating. Max kept saying that there was an earth quake and Beverly said the trees were trying to get her. …

Plan A

This week was stake conference. The general session today was great and focused on gathering Israel through missionary work and temple and family history work. Last night’s adult session was even more in depth and I got more from it. One of the presidency members spoke about Repentance and then the Stake President spoke on …