
I am doing President Nelson’s challenge and striving to finish the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. As of now, I’m “on target” to do so. I started reading by highlighting any mention of the Savior, as per direction of President Nelson. I continued to highlight and “tag” things as I saw …

2018 About to End

Wow! 2018 Has been full! Be prepared because I’m really glad I decided to write this long card, because it made me realize what a year we’ve enjoyed… And survived. Andy graduates May 17, 2019 from University of Texas McGovern medical school. It has been a journey, but one I’m glad to have shared with …

Clinical Exams Over

Andy finally finished his last board exam for certification towards being a bonafide doctor. That’s enough Christmas joy for me. Seriously. For him too I am sure. The rest of this school year will be busy-ish, but stress free for the most part. I am looking forward to it. The kids and I have been …


Recently I attended a fireside featuring Elder Holland, and two other general authorities and their wives. The entire fireside was noteworthy and poignant to the things going on in my life, and I may post some of my notes here, maybe all of them if I feel appropriate, but this post is about something he …