
I’ll be honest, it has not been a great Easter. It hasn’t been one filled with reflection on the great gift He has given me. It hasn’t been one filled with laughter and memory making. I am stressed. How do I find peace in the midst of stress? If I knew I wouldn’t be writing …

House is selling

In my blog post, titled, “Finding Peace” I talked about our first week of getting the house on the market and the whirlwind of showings. To my relief, and feelings of utmost gratitude, the house is now under contract. Actually, it’s kind of a funny story. The house went officially on the market April 4th. …

Plan of Salvation

One of my online groups is LDS based. About two weeks ago someone started the thread, “Where’s the conference gossip?” And every one went crazy with weird theories of the Word of Wisdom being changed either to include exercise or take out tea and coffee. That last one didn’t sit right with me, but if …

Crazy busy

Saturday evening through Monday morning were literally a whirl wind of non-stop madness. I got home from Time Out for Women– which I promise I will blog about later- and got to work preparing the house for the stagers that were coming Monday. I was able to go to church Sunday morning, which probably helped …

Contract Signed

The builders finally signed our contract yesterday morning. We should be closing April 24th or close to it. Andy also received orders, but of course with the Army, they’re incomplete, so he’s got to figure that out tomorrow. We have a fair amount to do to get the house ready to sell. The majority is …

Offer on a House

We made an offer at the end of business day yesterday so we are patiently waiting to hear back from them. We offered asking price but with the stipulation they provide blinds, fans, an extra gate on the already promised fence and a fridge along with closing costs. We have an amazing realtor who is …


Anyone else get stress bumps on their scalp? They’re painful. This week I got a patch of them. I handle stress fairly well… I think… and sometimes I don’t realize that I’m stressed until those annoying little bumps appear on the edge of my scalp. This week they were so bad they made the smooth …

Computer Project

I have been looking through files on the computer and have come to realize just how much we have on there: pictures, documents, Elise’s creative writing.  With this realization, I thought how awful it would be if I lost it.  We have over 300 gigabytes of pictures and videos alone.  That is a whole lot …

Black Monday

Black Monday is quickly approaching us.  No, not the Black Monday when the stock market crashed.  The medical school Black Monday is the day you find out if you matched or not.  You are not yet told where you match, just if you did.  For those that did, there is a little less stress in …